

Trapped in so many senses: trapped in this body, trapped in this time, trapped in this family, trapped in school, trapped by emotion...

One thing I really hate about well-wishers, is that very often, they don't go beyond just that -- they'll sit there and accumulate as many "good-feeling" points as they can, but they wouldn't lift a finger to aid you.

But ones that I find worse, are those who genuinely mean well, and often try to help, but just lack the ability (or intelligence, aptitude, etc). Every time they mess up, they're "sorry", when really, they're just stupid.

Joseph's hierarchy of people:

Smart > Sorry > Stupid

It's worse when the sorry-but-stupid induhviduals are consanguineous relations. You're pretty much cursed to suffer their actions the rest of their lives.


rinabear said...
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rinabear said...

sorry...i tried to delete that previous post..don't know if it actually worked! haha =p...soo...were would i fall under?? =p