

What is a word that your family uses that would not be considered common?
. . ."ábuuuuu" It's a word my sister made up to fondly refer to our father.

What theme of calendar do you have on your wall this year?
. . .Minimalism, technically.

Name 3 people you speak with on a daily basis.
. . .Me, Myself and I... =P Technically though? I don't really talk to anybody everyday... but if I were to take the question less literally and take it to intend "very regularly", then I guess it'd be Snowflake, Fuchsdämonin and Strife... Not sure if that last codename's been decrypted yet. Hrm. Ah well. But GAH, they're all younger than me... :S I wonder if that makes me immature...

Main Course
If you could put a new tattoo on someone you know - who would it be, what would the tattoo be of, and where would you put it on them?
. . .I never really think about tattoos... I had a dream about them once, but they weren't permanent, and only appeared on mage-born children when magic was attempted on them. So, to answer the question, I'd say the person would be a certain male-fox (of 18-22 yrs of age), with a tattoo of a pair of calligraphic wings (see "shackles of freedom from my dA site for a better idea), on his back, stretching across his shoulderblades and maybe ending on the shoulders.

What is the last beverage you drank out of a glass bottle?
. . .I'm not sure if it were actually made of genuine glass, but it certainly shattered when dropped and wasn't bendable by the human hand in the slightest. I don't even remember exactly what it was called. Canadian sth... It was a pretty clear drink that came in various fruity flavours... I prefered cherry. Mmmm.... crystal-clear cherries... But they stopped making it a while ago... Dunno if they changed packaging or if they ran out of business.


. . .Yay! I'm back! Through God's good graces I was able to get on the planes from HK to Vancouver and then from Vancouver to Toronto, the latter flight during which I made a friend from a dancer from China! How exciting. But his English was worse than my Mandarin, so commnication was not entirely seamless. But it was cool. And even though we were both very horribly travel-worn, we managed to keep ourselves sane.
. . .=D I just saw a movie after I got home too... Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? made in uhh...1967. I cried. But I'll write a review of it later; too tired to bother to think intelligently right now...


The Meme

What does the color pink make you think of?
. . .Cherry blossoms, some really expensive paper I bought for writing elegant letters, umm...strawberry starbursts? Pink Lemonade! The blood of tellitubbies! Ballet tutus! Umm.. One of the layers of carbon copy paper for bank note thingies... Big-bunny! (www.big-bunny.com), roses that couldn't make up their minds if they wanted to be red or white... Urrmmm.... yah, that's all I gots for now.

Name something you have lost but later found.
. . .Mine Innocence! haha.. hrrmm... I used to loose my pencil cases and erasers a lot in middleschool...

In 3 words, describe this past week.
. . .Busy, Painful, ennui

Main Course
What are you obsessed with?
. . .Obsession. Urrmm... lotsa stuff... Linguistics, Literature, English, Singing, Piano, Violin, Math(well, only some maths...), Pretty symbols and designs, Histories and Cultures of proud and ancient civilizations (Chinese, English, Japanese, German, Russian, etc), Chinese Characters/Kanji, and most of all, my personal penmanship. =P

What kind of perfume or cologne do you like to wear?
. . .Nature's finest. ;)


Hong Kong

. . .Flight was painful. Eyes, burning. Dizzy. Oh, so dizzy. Kinda peeved too; both women (on either side of me) were jabbing me in the sides with their probasive, intrusive, invasive elbows. That wasn't fun.
. . .After the painful 15 or so hours of flying, it was another hour of a busride to my aunt's place just to leave again for a cousin's flat for dinner. I barely ate anything, being dizzy and slept away most of my first 12 hours in HK.
. . .Woke up at 5:00am this morning. Tried reading my Chinese Grammar book. Learned about all these verb constructions and compounding rules. Lotsa fun. If only I could remember them all...
. . .Other than that, nothing exciting or remarkable. No oppertunity to go shopping quite yet, but hopefully that'll change in the next few days... Dun wanna do weekend shopping cuz that's when most other ppl are free... It's gotta be in the early afternoon of a weekday! yah... Other ppl will be at work then. =D
. . .Shopping/[wish] List
◎FF7:AC (if it's out yet)
◎nifty green umbrella with silver-coloured handle (prolly aluminium though)


Sweet Slumber

. . .Flying to HK in a few hours... ah, so excited. Or I would be if I had some energy. As it is, I'll be lucky if I can dress myself properly for the flight. OMG, I'm tired. It's 3:00am, and I haven't packed yet. And I'm supposed to get out of here by 7:30am to make my morning 9:45 flight. Yah, lotsa fun. Lord, I hope I'll be able to sleep on the plane.
. . .But first, what to pack? What to bring? What to do? I wonder if I can remember how to get to my Aunt's place from the Airport. Whee... capitalize Nouns! Cuz I'm thinking in German now. Yay!
. . .OK, I should sleep now. But at least I'll get to see family and my friend! =D And then we'll get to do aaaall sorts of stuff together. And save ourselves from the HK idea of "accomodation"... Which really is nothing more than just having a patronizing babysitter who was coerced into doing it because of some obligation to consanguinity. But anyways... I should be wondering how much space I should leave in my suitcase for the flight back... =3
. . .kks, off I go... I suppose I should get *some* rest inbetween.... travelling without one's faculties intact can be a rather dangerous and painful (leading to eventual frustration and perdition) experience.


Viral Victory!

. . .I just passed Parasite Eve 2~!!! I'm so happy. Loved the ending, though I wish they'd have shown a little more... ...But it had a sort of subtlety that I could appreciate. =) *giddy with excitment* OMG the final boss was sooooooo hard; I didn't think I would make it about half-way into the battle. But thankfully I stocked up well, so I had pleeeeeeeeeeeenty of potions to keep me alive. =D
. . .But yes, it is well past 3:00am now. I should sleep.



. . ....Which in my lingo is a curse. "MONKEY~!!" grr... the sun woke me up yet again... I really should cover my window with cardboard or sth; the blinds don't do nearly enough. Here I am, all alone, stuck in a small town with no money, food, or hope. Whee...
. . .On the plus side, I have my playstation, my computer and the Tale of Genji to keep me entertained. Now I just need a genius way of getting all my stuff back with me to Toronto ere the 21st, for that's when I'm scheduled to fly with my sister to HK to visit my father. (whoa, that's a lot of prepositional phrases in that sentence.... gosh, I love linguistics~!)



Who is your favorite news anchor/reporter? Why?
. . .N/A

Name 3 foods that are currently in your freezer.
. . .chicken wings, pizza crust and McKain french fries.

If you were to have the opportunity to name a new town or city, what would you call it?
. . .Haha... Depends on the place. But it'd probably start with an S or an A, and end with an A or a T. I'm thinking "Seleria" or "Amoryst"... *shrugs*

Main Course
What will most likely be the next book you read?
. . .Whoa, first real question~! Hrrmm... Either the Count of Monte Cristo(sp?) which I hear is different enough from the movie to make it worth it, or the Da Vinci Code.

What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?
. . .Hrrmm... The face, I guess. Well, the head in general. If the woman's back is turned, I'd still look at the hair first before trying to guess if I know her.



. . .Now there's the 'linguistic' spark for which I've sought. An extensive vocabulary is all very impressive and well, but what good are words if one doesn't know how to use them?
. . .I've a (now distant) friend whom I used to be close to. Unfortunately, it was the very lack of his ability to abstractly interpret my language that drove that novelty-sized wedge between us. He who would write and sing, yet he who has little if any appreciation for literature, linguistic wit and verbal repartee, one only wonders how he manages to survive in the world today. He who would be so gauche as to declare me as 'one of the most uncultured individuals' he's ever met. Seething indignation aside, I durst not venture to question whether he knew fully the meaning of the words he clumsily coughed out of his oral cavity. But let us mind not the idiocy of an entertainer.
. . .Resuming the topic at hand, how then, is one's wit developed? 'Tis obvious that frequent meetings with other intellectuals seems necessary, but yet something seems lacking. There is no formula for witty spontaneity. But yea, that is which is all to rare and precious in today's world. A wit for word. Waterloo has most definitely slain the feriocity with which I once used language. Perhaps in time I might hope to regain that which was stolen from me, but for now, immediate academics beckon.



You know you're not studying when...
heh... Dirty and Accurate, eh? I wonder what that portends..

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com



. . .So I woke up this früh morgens, owing to the blessed bright ball of brilliance that God has set at the centre of our solar system. Did the routine washroom-computer-study/movie morning ritual, which led into misc internet research (latin proverbs, Chinese grammar, etc) when I noticed a strange sensation. Thinking it was just depression or some emotional residue from last night, I ignored it. But then it got worse. It was at this point that I realized that I was hungry!
. . .Oh yah~! Humans need food to continue living! If I had my way, I wouldn't need to eat or sleep. But of course, in Chinese, that would require me becoming a "saint"... (rough translation. fairy? demi-god? 神仙) And I went to bed at like, 2:30am too... then up again at 9:44am, thanks to my acute photosensitivity. I'm already going blind; why do my eyes need to be hyper sensitive to light as well??? Or is it just a natural-yet-unfortunate consequence of having poor eyesight?
. . .Mmm.... don't even get me started on how I'd change things if I could customize myself... telekinesis! telepathy! ...Wings... ...and a tail!... luminescent ocular glands for night-vision!... ...possibly a slightly increased muscle capacity... (seeing as how I'm barely able to lift a pencil)... It's so sad... Normally, the way guys treat me would be perceived as chivalrous, but the sad truth of the matter is that I honestly do not have the physical capacity to lift, move, hold or push a lot of things.
. . .But getting back to more important things... Mmmm... fire-breathing capabilities? ish kinda interesting, but I prefer the more subtle traits.. (as if wings and tails were subtle...) Maybe if they were some sort of energy-based wings... hrrm... then I'd just need special energy-wing-generating glands on my back instead... definitely takes up less space... ...and now is when we know that Joseph has gone into delirium. Yes. I should get back to studying.... T_T