
Darkness. Depression. Despondancy.

Gloomy shadows up above,
devour the souls of those below.
Drowning in a pool of blood,
Tormented by time that does not flow.
Blades and sheers soon numb the senses
As jaunts soon numb the mind,
The sun hides 'hind the sky of darkness
N'er again for mine eyes to find.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes all we see before us is darkness and despair. The cure, however, always is to lift our eyes, and see beyond the horizon; hope and peace and even love is above. It's in Him.
I feel that looking at the current state of our lives is often VERY depressing. Then when looking ahead to our future helps us to disover that former statement may, very well, be wrong. But the thing is once we look to Jesus, and not to others or even ourselves, there is hope and much joy.

Anonymous said...

Very well written, btw. :)