"He who would keep a secret must keep it secret that he has a secret to keep." How clever, and oh, how true. This blog isn't seen by many, and yet too many read this blog already.
Too much idiocy in this world. As Albert Einstein once said, "There are only two truly infinite things. The universe and stupidity, andI'm not too sure about the former".
There's no use confronting the idiocy either. There's just simply an alarming lacuna of cogitation. And even on the off chance that one's reasoning is understood, idiocy cannot spontaneously evolve into a pure-bred fortress of intelligence.
Nothing is ever simple. There is always a second dimention. But idiocy sees only what it can see, and since it cannot conceive of something beyond its ken, it dismisses the possibility of any higher meaning or hidden layers.
If I'm blogging about something because I'm bothered or hurt, then there's basically one of three things one can do: offer comfort or advice, do nothing, or do something asinine and offensive. I don't expect everybody to be brilliant; nobody ever truely knows how one deals with various situations in life. Then if good advice cannot be offered, between saying nothing and saying something stupid, I wonder which is better.
"What is done cannot be undone." But what is known can be taught. Nobody's perfect. But some are more perfect than others. (enough quotes and clichés for one post?) Imperfection is one thing to be intolerant of, but ignorance and idiocy is another. Of course, some people often mistake the two, and obviously one is a result of the other.
Go out, live, speak, learn your mistakes and grow! Certain individuals (who shall remain nameless) are perhaps unbearable, not because of their poor manners or klumsy speech, but rather because of their inability to see that they've offended someone, or ruined the mood. Stoicism is certainly not the answer, but clearly it is better sometimes not to say anything at all than to lower the calibre of the conversation by contributing meaningly drivel.
Bloody blighters. Can't ever leave well enough alone. *sighs*