

I really wish I had more time to blog. It forces me to organise my thoughts, and gives me the opportunity to gain some input from both close friends and complete strangers. Unfortunately, I've recently been spending more time (on average) either in bed, or zoning out between classes, so my overall productivity has gone way down. I wonder if it has anything to do with the weather? Somehow, I never thought of myself as being susceptible to SAD, but who knows? These things can be acquired, after all. But I really do have many moments in any given day where I'll end up thinking "I should make this a blog post." Too bad I never take the time to write them down or remember them though. So no long post for today.

But, to give a quick update on the progressing new winter term, my courses are all proving to be interesting, and my profs are all showing themselves as being highly competent as well as being very engaging. This means that they know their subject matter well (which should be a given at the university level, but unfortunately not always the case), and that they also know how to entice the student into being interested in the subject at hand as well. This skill is particularly rare among profs, probably in part due to the lack of standardization in university pedagogy; it's left entirely to the individual researchers/PhD-holders to develop the social/rhetorical skills to give effective lectures. If only this could be my last term, I would be so happy! Unfortunately, I still have another term after this, and I can only pray that my profs will be half as informed and engaging as the ones this term.

Alright, that's all you'll be getting out of me for now. 'Til next time!

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