
Gender (Part I)

Apparently I'm very girly. ...Or so speaks the consensus amongst all my close friends. Reasons are plentiful, but the more obvious ones are my long [and well-kept] hair, my hypersensitivity to others' feelings (and at times my own), my weak constitution (and therefore relatively lighter complexion), my "ability to girltalk", my insight on emotions and relationships (which really come from passively observing friends' relationships...), etc...
Talked to a friend about it (sorta) today. It came up innocently enough... ...in the form of my lack of reaction to a "cute" girl who walked by. My friend was like, "whoa!" and I was like, "m'eh". And then he went on about how I have feminine features (even if my hair were short...). How my value and efforts into polished manners and refinement are more feminine than masculine, etc, etc...
And as if to top it all off, I get cramps today. Probably not as bad as the "real thing", but it still hurt me a heck of a lot. And without getting into details, there was blood involved too. Whee... Sometimes I wonder about this whole gender/sex thing (which will be discussed in the follow-up post). But yah. That's my post for today. The sucky thing is, I'm really ugly as a girl. And I was never really attractive as a guy. So I'm kinda in a lose-lose situation here... T_T
...To add insult to injury, more and more people have recently remarked about how they can't picture me with a girlfriend... ...and some add that they can't see me with a boyfriend either. *sighs*
But this is dangerously edging on the whole friend/lover issue I have... which I'll rant about tmr, after I fail my german exam. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gah well.. who needs a gf/bf anyways? there's nothing wrong w/ being feminine! and besides, I don't think you're THAT feminine. XQ