Too tired to blog now, but I'll come back to it tonight... or tomorrow.
But in short, however close you feel to someone isn't necessarily how close they feel to you. I've certainly seen my share of that in the past month, and I'm sure I'll be seeing more of it soon. Friendships are often like relationships in the sense that most of it is build on feelings. The problem is, it's harder to "break up" with a friend. But man, do I ever want to do that right now. I just can't stand the sort of person who's all feeling and no head. It's great if they can feel the sorrow of a million hearts, but if there's not intellect to help stabilize their condition, it's sheer lunacy. Such people are often blind to the truth and create a dream-world in order to function properly. They often think that they're special because they're convinced that they're able to get along with that much more many people than most others (when really, they're just equally bad at getting along with any specific group).
As a person, I'm sick and tired of enduring the askance insults, but the most damning part of it all is that I don't think that person realises that he's being offensive. And then he gets mad at his "friends" when they "abandon" him. Go figure.
And although it is true that idiocy is no vice, it is certainly something I'd rather not have to try my patience with.
But here's the best part: they think they're so special that they think the side of you they see is really all you are. They feel concern for you as a person because they wonder how you get by in life. But I wonder if they've ever considered the fact that just maybe, the dynamics are different with different people? Just because I'm not open with person X doesn't necessarily mean that I won't be open with person Y.
I could try to be fair and make this an intellectual exploration on the general imbalance within a friendship, but instead I think I'm gonna go with my emotions and just vent about why I don't want to be friends anymore with that certain someone.
So no comments. Well, unless you're just dying to say something in which case you probably already know me and would therefore have me on your MSN or something. Rant to be continued/revised tomorrow, after I get some sleep.