

. . .For those who've been following my MSN nicks and pics, I'm sure some of you are wondering what in God's name is happening in my life right now. And while I'm not comfortable divulging all the gory little details online, I will say simply that I don't have a lot of money. So please, if it's within your habit, add my financial troubles to your prayer list. Or, ya know, donate a few dollars to the Save-Joseph-Tam-from-Absolute-Destitution Funds. Not that the two have to be mutually exclusive or anything... :P
. . .Gonna go drop off a few résumé's tomorrow, and also meet with OSAP/Bursary ppl. Hopefully, I'll get some much-deserved funds from the school. And I'm also applying to the Bank for a loan. So I guess pray that one of those three will go through and I'll get to live again. Cuz depending on a $500 overdraft limit isn't very fun, especially when bills are piling up... :(

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