

. . .Gosh, I hate this new blogger interface.  Even the "edit HTML" option screws things up so I don't have technical control over how I want to layout this text.  So ghey...
. . .Anyways...  School work is winding down though I should really finish a certain short story... ... and a certain essay... ...I don't even want to think about starting the culture research essay thing. @_@  Aside from the scary prospect of starting my thesis, it's just worrying about housing for next term, where I go for my Masters/PhD and what I could possibly do after I finish all this school... Meanwhile, I'm wasting more time in AdobePS... haha... check out what I have so far [here] !  I littered it with my personal comments, but if you agree and stuff, let me know!  We've already established that the head is very deformed.  Well, I'd best get back to work...

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