
Food Diary

Day 1 (sunday)
. . .Lots of water, two pieces of buttered toast for breakfast, more half-filtered water (my water filter isn't working so great) and 5 pieces of caramel "hei tang" (black candy?).
Day 2 (Monday)
. . .More half-filtered water, 4 pieces of buttered toast (thereby depleting my loaf of bread), and 398mL of Heinz alpha-ghetti.
Being on a public computer sucks. I don't get internet at home 'til Wendesday afternoon (cable guy said 5-8pm). Meanwhile, my sister dearest just sent me some money, so if I spend wisely (i.e. not eating out) then I should be able to stretch it to last me a week and a half or so. So until Wednesday, I guess none of you'll be hearing from me (Unless you phone... or bump into me on campus) =D

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