

. . .A while ago, at the recommendation of a friend, I sauntered over to 1and1.com and got myself a domain. But what did I do with it? Absolutely nothing. Some time later, I decided to choose some fruity default template just so *something* would be there, but I still had no idea what I would do with it.
. . .In the past, I would splash whatever I felt onto my site (www.geocities.com/Tabris_113 being a good example). But when I came to design the table of contents, I was forced to ask myself which headings I wished to keep and which I wished to discard. Were there any other headings I would like to add? What was the purpose of my site? Personal recreation, I suppose. Art without limits, I suppose one could say. Except that my personality in itself is severely limited, so maybe my art will never really be thought-provoking. Of course, that brings the second question of whether what I produce can really be called "art", but that's something I definitely don't want to get into here.
. . .I wanted to make a site for myself, but moreover, I thought I would want a site that my friends would enjoy and want to frequent. So I'd make it a blog? A sketchbook diary? Should I start a webcomic? Various thoughts and possibilities floated around in my head.
. . .As a certain frightfully intelligent friend of mine once pointed out, people who've known me for a short amount of time will know me as an artistic individual, whether it be in the visual arts, music or language. And some people who've known me a bit better or longer will also tend to remark that I also have some skill (I dare not say "talent" in a place like UW) in the logical/analytical academics such as math and chemistry.
. . .I love talking with this friend if only because of her keen perception and sharp wit. But what she said really made me think. (Well, not that I didn't know these two facts about myself before, but it just made me rethink something in a new way.) At the core, I'm an analytical person. Friends of mine will find that I often pay attention to unnecessary things, or that I over-think certain situations or episodes of the past/present. At the same time, I have this love for art. I like drawing, I enjoy using colour and I really love making something that'll make ppl go "wow!" Of course, when those people are only your friends, ya gotta wonder if your art is really all that, or if they're just being nice.
. . .Art being something that I've done all my life, it's a wonder why I first went into math for post-secondary education. Oh well. But in any case, while I'm not yet ready to unveil my lil corner on the web, I have decided that this personal site will be for my artistic scribbles, whether in literary or visual form. Of course, there's still the small complications of acquiring a scanner...
. . .So that's my little self-realization for my internet usage. I'm going to make an artsy-fartsy website stuffed with my conceptions. Yay! But html seems to be growing out-of-fashion... Which means I'll soon have to learn how to use flash. Hrmm... Maybe when I'm doing my Masters. ^_^
*edit* (8:05am)
. . .And if anyone is wondering why this post is up so late/early, it's cuz I took a looooong afternoon nap, and ended up waking up at 9:15pm... Later to make and eat dinner at around 1:00am. So I didn't sleep until around 4:00am. I should be normalized again now... semi-big day today. Hey, Garnett Crow is good... haven't listened to them in a while... :3

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