

. . .Konja's first meeting last night. The general meeting went by alright, and the dinner was fun afterwards as well. Unfortunately, some of the exchange students had a cold, one of whom passed it on to me... :'( Apparently, it's spreading all across campus, so I guess it is now my duty to go back to Toronto and spread the joy.
. . .And I figure I probably should have gotten more sleep, but a certain "quiet" someone, as always, managed to wake me with his or her morning routine. So I'm up at 7:30, with a slightly runny nose and a VERY sore throat. Made some oatmeal. Drank a fair amount of water... added some honey. Still not feeling happy; not releasing enough endorphins. I guess I'll have to try sth else...
. . .In other news, I spent a good hour just leisurely reading this Webster's Unabridged 1960's Dictionary. That gave me a lot of kicks. I love learning vocab. Pronunciation of some of them were a little difficult... (Sabaism with an accent on the first?! sounds unnatural...) But Mmm, I'd love to own that dictionary.

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