

. . .Whee~! I learned another writing system! Yay! KJ taught me how to read/write Korean, which is freakishly phonographic (orthographic?). There's different characters for an unaspirated /p/, an aspirated /p/ and a glottalized /p/. Crazy, huh! Some of the diphthongs took me a while to get used to, especially since we like to slide our vowels all over the place in English, and certain different vowels in Korean are considered the same in Japanese.
. . .Aside from that, I really should get my butt into high-gear and start working hard in my classes. Still gotta sort out my OSAP crappery. Having a scanner would make things so much easier... but anyways.
. . .It really got me thinking. Especially with the language exchange that I have going with KJ. I think I'd really enjoy teaching English. And even though my parents don't seem to think that I know English really well because naturally, who'd pick an English teacher of Oriental descent when they can have the blond-haired, blue-eyed American? Guh... We work hard to eliminate racism, but it's still fiercely corporeal, even if we've learned to disguise it better. Whatever shall I do? I guess I really would have to get at least a Masters in English or a PhD if I hope to get recognized in the realm. And I suppose linguistics will have to take a back-seat to my passion for the bastard language that is English. And by linguistics, I really mean translation fun stuff, or second-language acquisition/teaching a second language.
. . .Lalala... my future is really screwed... whee~~

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