
Sanguinary Solitude

"He who would keep a secret must keep it secret that he has a secret to keep." How clever, and oh, how true. This blog isn't seen by many, and yet too many read this blog already.
Too much idiocy in this world. As Albert Einstein once said, "There are only two truly infinite things. The universe and stupidity, andI'm not too sure about the former".
There's no use confronting the idiocy either. There's just simply an alarming lacuna of cogitation. And even on the off chance that one's reasoning is understood, idiocy cannot spontaneously evolve into a pure-bred fortress of intelligence.
Nothing is ever simple. There is always a second dimention. But idiocy sees only what it can see, and since it cannot conceive of something beyond its ken, it dismisses the possibility of any higher meaning or hidden layers.
If I'm blogging about something because I'm bothered or hurt, then there's basically one of three things one can do: offer comfort or advice, do nothing, or do something asinine and offensive. I don't expect everybody to be brilliant; nobody ever truely knows how one deals with various situations in life. Then if good advice cannot be offered, between saying nothing and saying something stupid, I wonder which is better.
"What is done cannot be undone." But what is known can be taught. Nobody's perfect. But some are more perfect than others. (enough quotes and clichés for one post?) Imperfection is one thing to be intolerant of, but ignorance and idiocy is another. Of course, some people often mistake the two, and obviously one is a result of the other.
Go out, live, speak, learn your mistakes and grow! Certain individuals (who shall remain nameless) are perhaps unbearable, not because of their poor manners or klumsy speech, but rather because of their inability to see that they've offended someone, or ruined the mood. Stoicism is certainly not the answer, but clearly it is better sometimes not to say anything at all than to lower the calibre of the conversation by contributing meaningly drivel.
Bloody blighters. Can't ever leave well enough alone. *sighs*



Nobility and Gentility. I just saw My Fair Lady, and Pretty Women. Ah, such good movies. Reminds of one of the single reasons why I'm an imperialist; they at least had a concept of morality, gentility and nobility. Unlike the common youth of today who regard anything vulgar or tasteless as amusing, and anything classy or tasteful as pretentious.
Totally unrelated, but another thing that bugs me is people who claim to be something when they clearly have no grounds to claim them in the first place. (e.g. "I'm very humble!") But also people who clearly lack a maturity of thought and action who claim to have the depths to know what it means to love, to hurt, to live. One such fellow, whom I've had the misfortune of becoming acquainted, endevours to stake the claim that he is "evil", as if he had a concept of what evil really is. To him did I (indirectly) retort: "The evil of idiocy cannot compare to the malice of intelligence".
I find that in his mind, being "evil" singlely consists of the feeling of darkness, or hatred. Also being an exemplary example of a typical brutish male, his lack of depth of thought disallows him to conceive, contrive or concoct any acts of malice which would extend beyond the immediate and overt act of violence, whether physical or verbal.
Semi-articulate hate-rant today. With this level of fractional-clarity of thought, I just may make progress on one of my numerous outstanding essays (some of which had been promised to be completed up to a year ago).



Finally. I've successfully untangled all illusions looming above a certain someone. Although feeling rather indignant as well, since I kinda wanted to be back in Toronto 4 hours ago... Oh well. It was a good learning experience.



Was really down yesterday. Thanks to you all who tried to help cheer me up. It started on Monday evening, and it just kept sliding down. My roommate helped slow it down, and a few of you (xq, ally) helped by talking to me about it. It makes me so touched, I feel like drawing a picture.. ...or writing a poem. ...Or maybe after class.
But I'm feeling much better now. I got a message from the source of my unhappiness these past couple of days this morning. So I really was reading too deeply into things, as I always do anyways. But even if one knows that one reads too deeply into things doesn't stop one from still feeling all those emotions of pain, anxiety, hurt, loneliness, etc...
Oh well... I'm gonna be given some belated v-day sweets tomorrow! yey! But I swear, I have NO idea where I stand in this relationship... so confusing...



I got a reasonable amount of rest last night... ...or so I thought.... why am I so tired? Up since 8:30; not gonna be home till around 8:30pm... ...if not later... T_T


Freezing rain. V-day. I wonder if the two are related. Personally, I don't put much stock into these sorts of things (I don't even bother with these sorts of days in general), but it's hard to ignore it when everybody else is going crazy over it. Ah well. I'm single and loving it. ...well, as much as one CAN love one's life while one is in university...
I still gotta find some simply printouts outlining the history of Valentine's Day for the Japanese exchange students (Language Exchange today... whee). *thinks a series of other thoughts that won't ever get written in this space*
Class soon. Germannnnn.



There's a joy you experience with your family, a joy with your friends, a joy in life... So many types of joy in the world. I've finally found some semblances of joy here in UW. Unfortuantely, I'm also hypersensitive, so these sorts of joys tend to be short-lived. But I think that there's a certain joy that I've found by being with a certain someone that won't be as short-lived as the rest. At the same time, I'm usually really bad at predicting these sorts of things.
I'm NOT going to go into what I think love is, or what love means to me. Because there are plenty of other people in the world who do that already. But I will say that I've finally found someone outside of highschool who shares a great many interests and certain ideals. Joy... Beauty. Eternity isn't the only beauty in the world. In saying thus, I think that even though I'm unable to remain friends with everybody forever, those small windows of time in which we shared amicability are small gems in the otherwise dull scheme of my life. Bigger isn't always better. Sometimes the friendship was beautiful because it was short. (not to say that I go around trying to cut short my relationships. ) Just that I don't try to make all my relationships last when clearly some of them aren't meant to.
Feelings cloud judgement, but they give such flavour to life. Finding the balance is the real trick... ...and now I'm ranting. Gotta get up early tomorrow for Toronto...



Just discovered that comments here either require you to be a blogger member, or no ID whatsoever. Grr!! I hate this anonymous posting. A pox on thee, blogger! You may as well have merged with xanga. Grrr... So erm, dear friends, please be so kind as to leave your name at the end of your comments. Thank you. =)


Der Neu Anfang

New layout. w00t. Is it any better than the old modified Jellyfish layout? Hrrmm... Only time will tell. hehe. Though I must confess that this current layout certainly more aptly reflects my preferences in stationary and design. What do you think?



Snowflake came over last night. We watched Raising Helen. It was a pretty interesting movie. It wasn't bad at all. =) Sister was there too; we chatted for a bit afterwards. Throughout the entire movie, we were shocked at the number of ppl who were also in Princess Diaries until we realized that it was because it was the same director!
Thanks for the doritos, snowflake! =3


Wilde, Shakespeare, Blake

Monday was so much fun. And yes, it's wednesday morning now. School = busyyyyyyyyyyy.
Anyways... On Monday we had Language Exchange(LE) and this week's theme was poetry! Yey! So we introduced both English and Japanese poetry and literature to the students, as it was a fairly even mix between the English and Japanese students. After the short introduction (including a brief history of the inception of the Japanese Haiku into North American culture), we broke off into small groups to look over a few poems (hand outs) and explain them to our partners (we paired off exchange students with English-speaking students). Which would work, except...
The brilliant mind who made these handouts (knowing that the audience would be Japanese exchange students), brought the works of such poets as Oscar Wilde and William Blake. I mean, Shakespeare is so much easier to understand than Wilde! (well, Shakespeare's sonnet nr. 18 and 138 are so much easier to understand than what else they had)
Now, I know I'm slightly enamoured by the Engish language and all that it contains, but I'm still far from being an English expert. Even so, maybe because most of the English kids there were in CS or Math, I found that many of them either couldn't, or gave very poor explainations which just ruined the beauty of these poems. In Wilde's case, it's sorta understandable, since his was loaded with words that most people wouldn't know (e.g. empery), and allusions of whom I can only take to be figures from Greek myth.
But despite my having to constantly jump back and forth between groups to help translate the English poems to the Japanese, I still had a lot of fun. I rarely get to do poetry anymore, now that school's getting all crazy and chaotic.
OATUS (on a totally unrelated subject), this house is always FREEZING. And our gas bill is still fairly high. I think we need to look into some better insulation for our windows. And there are no guys here in UW who're fun to play with. Booh... they're either boring or brutish. Some of them are both! yey. Thankfully, I'm going back to Toronto this weekend. Then I'll get to girltalk the entire weekend. =D