

. . .And now that I've some time to blog, I have no idea what I want to say... ...looking over my past posts, it's apparent that social etiquette is more important to me than I initially realized. So, moving forward, webpage layouts! I'm seriously gonna give this place a good make-over when I get the luxury of not having the guilt of needing to study weigh heavily on me. And after that (or simultaneously), I'll be co-renovating my reg. homepage with my new, benevolent host, Navi. (new URL = http://y.iam.sketchy.ca) Hehe. I know, I love it. Not much there at the moment, so don't hold your breath.
. . .Meanwhile, I'm running across a serious dilemma; should I go for the ultra-traditional, or the ultra-futuristic? Both are equally appealing, but both are also easily made tacky and cheesy. I guess I'll have to play around with thumbnails in my sketchbook and see which one I like better.
. . .A thought just came to me; a forest/spirit theme! :D Hmm... More thought needed... ...and it's approaching an ungodly hour of the night... which means one of two things: Sleep, or................... PLAYSTATION! ehehe...

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