

. . .I wonder how much you guys are missing by not reading my titles... The only one who can, probably never reads my blog anyways... =/ Well, anyways, the title translates to "Shattered Hopes". I got a wake-up phone call this morning, as well as a message of ill-news. (a double-punch, as it were.) Apparently, I won't be able to return to civilization for another day, which kinda thwarts my plans of having some semblance of a social life.
. . .The person I'm supposed to be meeting for lunch on Thursday, henceforth refered to in this blog series as S. Shade, is a dear old friend of mine, one who still owes me photos from 3 years ago, but also one whom I haven't seen in a very long time. :'( And since S. Shade has quite a busy schedule, this means that I won't get to see him again for another year... *sighs*
. . .I was also supposed to meet up with someone else for the evening, but that's kinda scrapped too. Unless someone out there would be benevolent enough to drive me and all my stuff back from Waterloo... Pretty please? :D
. . .On a bit of good news, it doesn't take a few days to get the JR Pass; I can get it in a day. (YAY! Go me and my evil plan of going to the head office downtown... :P)
. . .And back into my blackhole of dispair. What was originally conceived to be a better deal to live off campus than on campus has quickly been proven wrong. Not to blame my roommates (though it'd be soooo easy), the cost of utilities and internet, on top of over-priced rent (for the summer, anyways), has resulted in a very big void in my already financially destitute situation. And while I *could* go on about how poor I am, I'm sure that people really
. . . . .1. couldn't care less
. . . . .2. don't like to listen to me whine.
So, I'll do us all a favor and just shut up.
. . .Meanwhile, the world continues to revolve...

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