
Wolf and Flower

My stay in Japan is starting to get interesting.. It's been really rainy, so haven't been able to explore much. But hopefully tomorrow, I'll get to go to the grocery store and stock-pile on some stuff. :P
Finally got things planned for my stay; gonna visit Kariya on Saturday and then Nara on Tuesday. Hoping to see some of Osaka and Toyko the week after and the weekend following'll be Kyoto. Whee... Yes, I'm taking plenty of pictures. Both scenic and anecdotal. (e.g. took a pic of their wacky 'western' toilets and their awesome microwaves.)
living with a white guy isn't helping my Japanese immersion effort. But haven't been able to find any conversation partners just yet either. Ah well.
'til tomorrow... (Japanese ime is 13 hours ahead of Toronto time. so...)

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