

WHY!? *sighs* I used to think that looking at one's heart was good enough. But then my mind goes to a certain someone and a certain someone else. With regards to the first someone, I honestly don't understand how this person has managed to socially survive after all these years. Such wanton lack of consideration for others and absolute ingnorance of tact is unforgivable! .. Well, okay, technically, it *is* forgivable, but it's too trying for me. It personally disgusts me that there exists in this world, a female who acts exactly like an insensitive male clod.
And with the someone else, I cannot believe that he hasn't been yet familiarized with the concept of
1. soap
2. table manners
3. personal space
Even though most guys have a terrible sense of smell, this guy is soo nasty (in hygene) that ANY guy could smell him, much less every female. For someone who prides himself on being an exclusively intelligent and observant induhvidual, you'd think that he'd be more observant about what actions/postures are socially unacceptable. Leaning forward on the table, with the elbow propping up a hand wielding a piece of chicken that's dripping with oil all over the precious magazine pages doesn't help make anybody's day better. And neither does a particle fountain. (for this reason have they constructed this amazing rule, by which most people abide. "Don't chew with your mouth open".) Doubly effective; we don't want to see what's in his mouth, and we definately don't want it landing in our face and clothes.

*twitch twitch*

now that THAT's out of my system..
... time to go sleep. ^__^

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