Which Saiyuki boy are you?
Take the Saiyuki Quiz at anime-doll.com
. . .ehehe... Which one are you? Man, I need more of a life here in Taiwan. I've thoroughly impressed my Mandarin teacher, I think... ...I have until this friday to switch classes without consequence. I honestly think that, given my unique situation, it'd be best to go for one-on-one classes. Assumingly, the price shouldn't be any different, and I'd get a curriculum which would be essentially designed for me. Ah, it's sad. My written Chinese is so much more strong than my spoken Chinese. Talk about cheating through a cheat... (After studying Japanese for 5 years, there's a whole list of compound-words that I know in Japanese, but don't know how to read in Chinese...
. . .Aside from that, not too much happening... ...Gonna go design a pretty cover for my notebook for Mandarin Class. ^_^ tschüss~
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