

. . .Booh... Woman dragged me into choir... which is just as well, I guess, since they were a little short on tenors... (without warming up, I apparently have about a 2-octave range... ....grr) Anyways, Taiwan is pretty fun; met up with church people; everybody's suprisingly (and sincerely) cordial with me... ...either that or the Taiwanese are very good at pretending to be nice. In any case, it's nice to know that the only thing that atrophied was my opinion of their opinion of me. Ah, the joy of insecurity.
. . .Meanwhile, I was able to find sheet music (piano), so now I have some fun stuff to play. ^___^ The frustrating thing for me is, that I'm so impatient; if I can't get it perfect after 2 consecutive hours of playing, I figure it's a lost cause and move on... (might this be a manifestation of A.D.D?) Aaaanyways, my next piano projects are going to be Flight of the Bumblebee by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, and Fantasie Impromptu by Frd. Chopin. *nervous laugh* yah, it's gonna take a while... ... ... ... ... ...
. . .Gah. Dinner time. Mmm... noodles. Apparently, Taiwan is known for its desserts/sweets. Guh, I'm getting blubbery already...

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