

. . .So much has happened, and yet not much at all that I'm forgetting what I mean to record here in my blog. Such an instance include my recent acquisition of an mp3 player~! :D It was a gift from my cousins in HK. Aw, love 'em all. ^_^ I never really cared for that sort of thing before, but now I'm having so much fun with it. *ehehee*
. . .If only I had my home computer here; then I could easily upload songs... ... but instead, I've had to resort to redownloading them all on my uncle-in-law's computer... ... ... hopefully, he won't mind terribly...
. . .The preliminary Mandarin Proficiency assessment was such a load of crap. I mean, I didn't even write an exam at all. Stupid woman. Horrible administration. Curse Taiwanese government for not having a National standard proficiency examination established. I mean, the English and Japanese have had them for some number of years now... ... you'd think that with Taiwan's close ties with the Americans and the Japanese, they'd pick up on something... but nooo, they have to sit idly on their hands while their 'enemies', the mainland Chinese have already established a simplified Chinese proficiency test of their own. *curses* I'll talk to my teacher tomorrow and see if a more proper test could be done to more accurately assess my proficiency.
. . .Aside from that, I'm trying to make my body run on 6 hours of sleep a night. It's a bit of a REM trick, but my eyes aren't fooled... (ironically...) My eyes are drying up so quickly.. either that or taiwanese weather/air-con'ed rooms are too dry for my contact lenses-wearing eyes. I'm like, addicted to my eye drops now... ... and I'll probably have to go and get some more tonight. Either that or sleep a crazy amount of hours. The funny thing is, I naturally wake up at three and six hours, either because I've convinced my circadian rhythm that that's how it ought to be, or it is true about what they say regarding REM cycles.
. . .And, if I'm unable to get uni. crap resolved at the university here, I guess I can always learn from Martin and Leena's mother -- who is also said to be quite good at Chinese. ^_^ I get to learn either way. Talk about a win-win situation... (except for the $600+ spent on that Mandarin course)
. . .Well, that's enough fun for one day; gonna go play around some more with my mp3 player.. eheehee... ^^

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