

. . .Wow. It's been quite the little while since I last wrote in my online diary/journal. It's so much easier writing with pen and paper; something about the sick thrills I get out of my capital letters. (ehehe... W = 3 strokes)
. . .So much to think about and so much to mull over. Or not. Someone once said, "someone once said, 'thinking is unkind'". Of course, not to be taken out of context, this only refers to reading into a situation/relationships. Having said that, I'm sure dear readers already have an idea where this is going. Recently, I've been staring at the sky a lot when a cloud caught my eye. Clouds are a funny thing; sometimes they seem so nice, soft, inviting, and other times they seem dark, omnious and portend doom. Well, I'm certainly chasing that cloud now, afraid that once it floats away, I'll never get to regain it again.
. . .And my cloud isn't the only thing that's drifting either. I'm soaring across the sky and seeing how far I can go. But the sky is a lonely place if there's not a cloud in the sky. I just hope the cloud that caught my eye will be flying in the same direction as me.
. . .*soft chuckle* A distant cousin of mine once said that my life was like a drama -- without the sex and romance. And I'm somewhat inclined to agree with her; I find that everything gets mentally converted into some sort of extreme; the latice-structure of a tetrahedron becomes deeply profound, and an exposed cupboard becomes unforgivable. While most people speak of their history of bf/gf's, I speak about my history of roommates.
. . .Is this because of my 'innately' analytical nature? Or has the world around me grown dim? this small town is definately not the place to nurture one's spirit and/or mind. At least, not for someone like me.
. . .With such extremities, it causes one to wonder whether or not a cloud is really just that -- a cloud. Am I making the cloud into something more, or is everybody else failing to see an inherit beauty in the cloud? In ages long past, people didn't function without their cloud, but the modern world seems to have abandoned them. Am I a fool -- missing something about the cloud that the rest of the world has already gone past, or is there a quiet dignity in the cloud that everybody has forgotten in this modern reality of harsh technology and soulless science?
. . .*laughs* I wonder how many of you actually understand this entry. I'm wondering right now if in a few years' time whether I'll remember the issue that inspired this entry; if reading it over again in a while from now, I'll remember what I was talking about.
. . .The lyrics of 光之翼 said best what I wish to say right now: 『張開透明翅膀,朝著月亮飛翔』 Spead open your invisible wings and under the morning of moonlight, soar~

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