

. . .Yesterday was yet another full day of spontaneity. Which, while was much better than just lazing around, was somewhat unsettling in the sense that I didn't have the mental preparations to be doing so much in one day. Anyways, had lunch with a friend, watched a bunch of friends play basketball (I personally don't know how to play, even though some rich kid from Taiwan tried to teach me once... I'll save that story for another time). Then at around 4:00 I went shopping with 2 friends, an hour of which was spent at the haircut place, where she got rid of her split-ends (yay!). Afterwards, had a quick dinner at home before dashing out again for bbt with my god-sis. Ended up chatting until 11:30pm or so. Got to meet an English major. Yay!
. . .Aside from that, not much happening really. School starts up next week! Ahh!!! I didn't have enough time! *mentally groans* I'll be SO ready to graduate it's not even funny. And then I'll get my PhD, amazingly well-furnished house or condo, maybe get married, and either write or teach for a living. (Well, I guess both are viable options.) Anywhoo... I'd best get back to my novel... I wanna get at least 2 chapters done before school starts up again.

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