

. . .So if I can direct dear readers once again to the right, you'll notice there's a new link -- Japanese Blog!!! Yes, I've finally started a blog in Japanese, just for kicks. Mwahahaa... English still remains the main blog, but the other two'll be *some* sort of way for me to maintain my multilingual computing skills. :P Now, all I need are some AMAZING dictionaries... ... and free time... ... like, about 30 years' worth of free time... give me the freedom to actually learn a language thoroughly. Mweeheehee..
. . .I'm not going to be sexist or racist, but I'll just say that the girls in my Chin. Lit. class aren't the most dexterous... The teacher (for fun) decided to teach us some Chinese knot crafts -- the kind where you make these fancy knots and thread in beads and stuff along the way, resulting in some funky animal or pattern. Anyways, I was the only one who was getting it; all the girls were screwing up their knots and stuff... but they have the personalities of coarse barbarians, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they can't handle these delicate arts.
. . .Meanwhile, time continues to flow and I seem to have lost motivation to work...

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