

. . .*Yawn* Just woke up... ... well, maybe about 15 minutes ago... I had a voiceless/wordless conversation with a butterfly last night. That was fun. At least there's ONE person in the world with whom it's not necessary for me to be blunt/direct. On the other hand, it becomes more a fact of knowing a person than actual subtlety, but subtlety in itself requires knowing a person anyways, right?
. . .I've been working so hard at math the last few days... Most of Saturday and half of Sunday was devoted to calculus (all but 2 questions! yay!). And the rest of Sunday and most of non-classroom Monday was devoted to Combinatorics. It's "interesting", but ehh... ... well, I had to get in an hour of TV, an hour of PSX and 2 hours of Adobe Illustrator to try to distract myself from the onslaught... (it's proving to be a bit much.)
. . .I'll blog some more later; I have a 2-hour Calc session today... fun... ... and 2 math assignments due tomorrow... double fun.

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