

. . .Went grocery shopping last night. I now have $1.82 in cash. But with enough food for the rest of the week... ... and six TTC tokens.. lol. You know, this poverty thing actually isn't so bad, once one gets used to it. =) It *really* teaches me how to budget -- something I once was only mediocre at doing.
. . .Moving on from my financial update, I have 2 midterms coming up tomorrow. Calculus, which I've been averaging a 60% in (from the assignments... well, actually, I think 60% was the best mark of the three assignments.. o_O) and German, for which I sorta have the grammar down, but really need to memorize those irregular verbs... ... and all their funky conjugations. I barely even know the dative/genitive pronouns... lol.... or the possessive pronouns... crappit... lol.
. . .I've recently become an "artist" at dA (deviantart.com)! ^_____^ Unfortunately, I don't have a lot posted right now, but hopefully once I get more time/resources (e.g. scanner), I hope to quickly increase my lil' gallery. Additionally, it should give me the incentive I need to manage my time better. Aside from that, nothing too interesting happening today.. Gotta finish that calc assignment!

Updated 5:44pm

. . .K, I was sorta off... Apparently, my calc. assignment average was slightly higher than I thought -- 66.56% And since everybody else in that class is like, a genius, my marks aren't really gonna enjoy any bell-curving. And still not panicked, though I really should be... Two midterms tomorrow!!! GAHH!!!

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