
Happy Valentine's Day

. . .Wow, an actual topic to blog about. Love. What is love? Well, I'm gonna slay that opening with "blah!!". =) There's this moth/butterfly inside joke going around between myself and my friends... haha. For me, it's nothing big; just maybe a day for couples to splurge that money to show their affection for one another?
. . .But after browsing a few of my personal favourite online artists (at deviantart.com) I was sorta inspired to draw something "love-y"... haha. So I basically have yin-yang in human form in a sort of embrace. Only I sorta lost perspective half-way down and now it looks like the guy has kangaroo legs. o_O
. . .Meanwhile, I gotta somehow muster the strength and willpower to actually work this weekend. Cuz I'll be so screwed if I don't. T_T But at least I get the apartment to myself this weekend. haha, yay! One roommate is off on a winter retreat, and t'other is off in Texas trying to save the planet. Good for them. And then there's me, with a fun-filled weekend of math. *sobs* I don't know how much more of this I can take...
. . .Oh yah!! And happy birthday to Jörick! With a b-day so dangerously close to a "day of love" one wonders what all relationships for you portend...

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