
Weekend Minutes

. . .Gonna blog about my weekend... hopefully lift me from whatever ill-mood I'm in right now.
. . .So on Friday evening, which started at about 10:00pm, shells picked up Ally, my sister and myself to go to DQ to meet up with two other people -- s_n(Silver_Night) and Jö. So we waited around DQ for a while ere calling Jö on his cellphone... apparently he was right there with us... ...turning around, we see him on the other side of the parking lot, running towards a car -- whose we thought it to be s_n. ...instead, as we later found out, he mistook that car to be shells' car... ... opening the passenger door, he pokes his head in to see not-shelly turn around and yelp. Ah, such a silly boy... trying to get rides from strangers...
. . .Anyways, DQ was closed, so we had to think of something else to do... we decided on 168 -- a bbt shop near my condo. So the six of us were seated at a 4-person table... kinda not cool, but anyways... Chatted about the most obscure of things, such as the negative nexus that is Waterloo, or lamanting about how we tricked each other into ordering some rather exotic flavours.
. . .After 168, we drove Ally home, then continued the chat in my living room. This lasted 'til s_n decided that he should have been leaving soon, as he needed his rest. And then there were the four of us. The "default four" I suppose one could say. Me, Shells, my sis and Jö. Shells crashed and slept on the couch, remembering first to take out her contacts. (thankfully.) The three of us continued to chat 'til around 3:00am, after which time, my lil' blanket incident mentioned below occured. TV auto-woke us at 8:00, though Jö continued to sleep. I had to be up and running since I had a dental appointment at 10:30am. Got my teeth cleaned! It was painful. The stupid wire in my inner mid-lower jaw made her dig her instruments into my gums... there was a bit of pain, and my tongue imagined feeling some scars... ... Apparently I need to take out one of my wisdom teeth, but why take out one when you can take out four, right? And so this friday I'm scheduled to have some weeping and gnashing of teeth of mine own...
. . .Got back home at around 11:30am, had a sort of breakfast, then Shells drove the three of us to Jö's place (my sis had to prepare for a job interview). Shelly made lunch for the two of them (I wasn't hungry), then proceeded to try to have a study party. Shelly tried studying for an hour before crashing on Jö's couch, while Jö worked on his programming as I studied for my midterm (tomorrow). At around 6:00pm, we played Kirby's something adventure something on the classical nintendo. Jö's mother and sister walk in out of nowhere and sorta motivated us to go out and do some other stuff... ... and so we did. Picked up my sis, then went to Snowflake's place to pick her up. the five of us sat in Snowflake's driveway for a good 15 minutes trying to decide where to go for dinner... Finally picked this place faar from all of us, on the outskirts of our classical municipality.
. . .2~3 CBC's and 2~3 2nd-degree CBC's at a chinese restaurant makes for an interesting episode of ordering food. 2nd-degree CBC's are basically people of Chinese descent who immigrated to Canada in their early youth. We were soo FULL after it all... Thankfully it wasn't terribly expensive.. I think we each ended up spending less than $10... haha.. yah... the stereotypical stingy Chinese university students...
. . .Afterwards we picked up Steve (making another 6 people in a 5-person car), and went to DQ for ice-cream. (this being after 5 of us were horribly full... we're just a brilliant bunch of brainiacs, eh?) Cramming glob after glob of frozen sugar down our throats, we eventually headed back to...... my place again! chatting in my living room again 'til around midnight, when we had to drive Snowflake back -- she had a class the next morning at 9:00am... talk about ewww!! After driving her back we then drove Steve back... ... and then Jö. He didn't want to sleep over 2 nights in a row... lol.
. . .The next morning (sunday) Shells and I went to our home church while my sis went to her new church. Met some new people, chatted with some children. Apparently, I'm a quiet resemblance of some girl in highschool... Strange, quite. And drove off for Uni after lunch. Shells knows how to drive now! I'm so proud. The distance between Guelph and Waterloo is finally its proper 20 minutes instead of the erroneous 40+ minutes. ... Just to later discover that in my haste I forgot to bring my toiletries! Luckily I had a spare set of contact solution and case, but I had to go out and buy another tube of toothpaste and toothbrush. That's another $3~4 down the drain. At that time, I was horribly destitute with a bank balance of ~$-55.00. That was fun.
. . .And now today. OSAP finally came in! So my financial worries for this term are over! My bank balance isn't a negative number anymore! And my roommate is happy that I paid my rent! Happiness all around! Yaaaaaaaay............................

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