
Words and Wishes

. . .Words. What are words? Representation of things, actions or relationships between those things and actions. Why do I care so much?
. . .People say things all the time which conceptually or semantically offend me all the time. If they don't have any ill-will, and only mean well, is it wrong for me to be offended? Is it wrong to be sensitive? Many of my closer friends seem to struggle with this question as well. "Why should I care when the person(or people) I care for don't seem to care back?" Certain thoughts which I thought were universal in human interaction apparently don't necessarily exist in every else's mind. Even the mere idea that different people think differently doesn't seem to reside within the murky depths of some people's minds. They say things like, "well, if [event A] happened, you'd feel the same!" No, I wouldn't. How DARE you have the audacity to equate my intelligence and thought processes to that of your assumptive self! Might I react in a *similar* manner? perhaps. But the "same"? Say it once more and you will no longer have the right to my acquaintance.
. . .Inarguably, there are some brilliant forms of 'misusing' certain words for expressed emphasis. E.g. "he's frightfully witty", "the thirsty woman practically inhaled the jug of water". Of such creative and literary uses of words I am not forming an attack against. But rather, the stark opposite. Conversation forms which stem from the notion that pragmatism has supremacy o'er decorum. People who give orders instead of requests; speak in imperatives instead of questions. It is thee to whom I spite!
. . .One would almost surmise that what was once called 'manners' is now a thing of the past. Social greetings aren't necessary because they waste both time, effort, energy and resources. Narcissists who don't even bother to pretend to care jump out of nowhere with "give me the book" instead of "might I borrow your book?". Nevermind "Hi, how are you today? Did you remember our previous conversation regarding Dostoevsky? I was wondering if you might have remembered and brought the novel."
. . .Am I angry? Guess. You pragmatists and CS/Eng. people at UW! You only live and survive because of your morbid numbers. Such unnatural state of being shouldn't be allowed, and it is at fault of our society for which such perversion of social development has been allowed to continue. They say, "he doesn't have any friends, but he makes up for it because he has a brilliant mind." I ask you, what's so brilliant about a person who can't even tell the difference in connotation between "Good evening" and "hey, how's it goin'?"?? The Chinese have a saying, 增廣見聞, which basically means, "The more friends one has, the more perspective can be brought to him". Which is basically a tacit statement saying that one who has no friends essentially has no perspective, nay, isn't really a person. (notice how my tone is getting more and more angry? ^^;)
. . .K, I just finished practicing Fantasie Impromptu (by Chopin) for about an hour, so I'm feeling a little more happy. I'll finish this attack against society some other time.

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