

. . .Raining lightly today. Again. I'm starting to dread my return to Toronto, both because of the linguist disadvantage I'll be bringing myself (with respect to Chinese) and because of the temperatures. It's still above 20°C here in Taipei while it's already well below-zero temps in Toronto... yikes. Well, so much for my perpetual spring...
. . .Meanwhile, I'm thinking about starting a webcomic... or something... Nothing fancy and nothing big. And most importantly, aimed for Chinese-English bilinguals! Mwahaha. At the suggestion of a friend (who noted that my life was already like a comic strip), I'm already commemorating some rather ehh.... 'unique' situations into a four-to-six-celled comic strips. Hehe. Whee... Now I gotta think about size, cell arrangement, colour/no-colour?, &c.
. . .Meanwhile, test on Monday for those three Chinese poems, so I guess I ought to really study this time and see if I can't get 100%. ^__^

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